Thursday, February 19, 2015

The door down the hall

The door down the hall is closed,
I don’t dare go inside;
I’m a little afraid to find out,
What that door has been put there to hide.

No one has told me I can’t come in,
Words I haven’t heard yet;
But the door down the hall is still closed,
Will my hesitation cause regret?

I would love to be asked to come in,
It’s not my decision;
My place is here, just outside the door,
Hoping, someday, for permission.

What great things must be happening there!
Inside that door, closed tight;
Brilliance and creativity, too,
Unfortunately, out of my sight.

You see, the door is a metaphor,
For the mind of my son;
Just as solid as the door, I think,
But a much more mysterious one.

I stare at the door from down the hall,
As I have in the past;
Unsure exactly how he’d respond,
Would he open his mind if I asked?


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